Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Map for LOST

A large piece of the puzzle was shown to us this week. And I had no idea how big it was until I started to get emails explaining what all the gibberish meant. The Goat found this good bit: Lostpedia's entry of the blast door. It's times like this that I really appreciate the internet because someone put a lot of time and effort into interpreting all that stuff and I didn't have to. Click on those links or the ones below to get some insight into what those crazy folks at Dharma have done to that crazy little island.

By the way, the lockbox that Locke's dad had the money in was #1516. The numbers continue.

"They wouldn't put me on a pedestal, so I'm layin' them out on a slab!"

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dave's Long Box

I wanted to just congratulate a real blogging treasure for reaching his One Year Anniversary. Sure, he may not post everyday like me, but he actually brings quality and entertainment value with just about every post he does. Yeah, the subject matter is mostly comics, but it's got something for everyone. Sometimes, he points out some of the absurdity that is bad comics. But he also points out some great moments that can make the comic book as valid an entertainment forum as any thing else. Once, he even drew his own version of a comic book.

Hell, he was in Newsweek! Dave's Long Box. Go now. Go often. Make the internet worthwhile for yourself.

"Then I make out with a bear."

The Thrill Is Gone

Wednesday is New Comics Day. That's when all the new releases from Marvel, DC, and other companies hit your local comic store. And on Wednesday, God Created Joy used to describe how I felt when I would make my comic run. Nowadays? Not so much. Only once in the past two months have I made it out to the comic shop on New Comics Day. What was once an eagerly aniticipated part of my weekly routine now barely ranks above grocery shopping. It's no fault of my comic book shop (although, it is farther away since I moved last year), it's actually the publishers' fault.

I don't know what it's been, but Marvel and DC no longer seem to put out a lot of what I want. Hell, I buy as many comics in a month that I used to buy in just one week. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just don't get the same joy at cracking open a new comic Could it be all the stories about rape and other non-fun topics? Maybe the rising costs of comics up to $3 a pop? Quality comics get cancelled while horrible crap continues to be produced. And the new titles just seem to be unoriginal, bad ideas, or unoriginal bad ideas.

Onslaught Reborn? That was a bad idea the first time around. And, somehow, the execution was even crappier than the original concept. DC's One Year Later? Worked brilliantly for Galactica, like ass for DC comics. Civil War? Might be a good idea, but I don't feel like buying 83 comics to get the complete story.

Anyone else feel a disconnect?

"Oh, it appears I will have to find a new fortress of solitude."

How About That?

It turns out that I actually won my NCAA Tournament pool. Thank you, Florida Gators. You were the only team I picked to actually make the Final Four. I did get 6 of the Elite Eight teams so that made me look sorta smart. But, only one winner out of those games. And thanks to this kooky field, it was apparently enough to claim the title. The prize is that everyone in the pool will take me out for dinner. Of course, we still haven't gotten last year's winner his meal yet so I'm not gonna hold my breath. Maybe I'll choose some seafood place and order gator meat.

"I don't know, but he's 1 for 11 and he smells like Christian Slater!"

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Marriage Madness

There were almost 500 couples out there who wanted to get married in Bristol, Connecticut. Yeah, every woman's dream. Also, there would be sports mascots in attendance and it would be broadcast live on ESPN2 and ESPN Radio. Sound off? It's all part of ESPN Radio's Marriage Madness contest.

It turns out that one of the Sweetheart Sixteen was an area couple. Since we run our Unabated Sports show on ESPN Radio, it made sense to get them as guest. Two weeks ago, we got the groom to call in from Vegas while he was there on his bachelor party. They won their first match-up and moved on to the Engaged Eight. So, we were going to have them come and visit us in-studio. As they came walking in, it turns out that I went to high school with the bride. Yeah, all part of the super-strangeness that was last week. Also, I worked with her back in my lifeguard days. Small, small world. Anyway, they're trying to move on to the Fabulous Four and need support so they can so they can get married in wonderful High Definition Television.

Get over there and vote now

"I won't be seeing you again since I'm killing myself once we reach the honeymoon suite."

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Pull My Thing And Win A Prize

One of the frsutrating things about comics (and TV and movies and other forms of entertainment) is finding a product you like, but no one else really does. Scratch that, you like it and anyone else who has experienced likes it... but there's not a lot of you. We saw it with Firefly or pretty much half the shows I enjoyed on Fox. Right now, it's going on with a comic written by Dan Slott. He's quickly becoming my favorite writer. And remember he did write the best comic of 2005, according to me. (And I decided that in the summer, before the year was even over!) Once again, he's putting out a great product, a solo series featuring the Fantastic Four's Thing. But the sales are very low. So, Slott's coming up with some promotion to try and keep the title afloat. He calls it Pull My Thing and Win a Prize! For the name alone, you gotta love it. And the comic book is pretty good, too.
"You're right. I'm a bigot. I assume things about the good-looking they don't deserve - like they get whatever they want, or that their females don't want to talk to me."

Saturday, March 25, 2006

There's Something In The Water Or Something

Remember her? Believe it or not, that's Agent Scully herself, Gillian Anderson. Her career hasn't exactly taken off since X-Files closed it's doors. I guess moving to London isn't the best thing for a budding actress. So what to do to spark your career? Apparently, Gillian's gonna be topless in her next movie. I gotta say that I like that idea better than the X-files sequel they keep threatening to make. The Truth may be out there, but I stopped caring a long time ago. Gillian's boobs? I think that can spark my interest.

And she's not alone. Jennifer Garner will also get nekkid. In a Disney erotic thriller. While I loves me some nude Alias, I am still baffled by the term "Disney erotic thriller."

There's two former primetime divas that will show skin. Who's next? Who are you hoping for?

"When I woke up, Letterman was taling to Alias."

I'm Farkin' Lazy

This week, I'm probably just gonna use one source for the inspiration for my blog entries. Actually, I alreadt started yesterday. I think I'm gonna just throw some things out there that I found on the always interesting Fark web site. Just about every time you go to that site, there's alway something interesting there. This past week, it seems like it's even more so. There's one site that chronicles the history of the world according to movies. You ever wonder if there were Predators on Earth at the same time Bill and Ted were collecting historical figures for their oral report? Go there and find out. And stay here to find other interesting tidbits I pulled off of the House That Drew Built.

"This table's about as solid as your underlying concept."

Guests of Springfield

I think I've taken pot shots at the concept of lists before. But that doesn't stop me from posting one or two that grab my attention. Here's another one: the 20 best guest voices on The Simpsons. I've only glanced at it but there's one GLARING omission: Dave Thomas as Rex Banner in Homer vs. The 18th Ammendment. Talk about a classic character. Anyway, here's the list as is:
20. U2 – "Trash of the Titans"
19. Spinal Tap – "The Otto Show"

18. James Taylor - "Deep Space Homer"

17. Johnny Cash - "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer"

16. Ann Bancroft - "Fear of Flying"

15. Jackie Mason - "Like Father, Like Clown"

14. Stephen Hawking - "They Saved Lisa's Brain"

13. Ron Howard - "When You Dish Upon a Star"

12. Mark Hamill – "Mayored to the Mob"

11. Leonard Nimoy - "Marge Vs. The Monorail"

10. Tito Puente - "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (parts one and two)"

9. John Waters - "Homer's Phobia"

8. Donald Sutherland - "Lisa the Iconoclast"

7. Winona Ryder - "Lisa's Rival"

6. The Ramones - "Rosebud"

5. Darryl Strawberry - "Homer at the Bat"

4. Dustin Hoffman - "Lisa's Substitute"

3. Jon Lovitz - "A Streetcar Named Marge"

2. Glenn Close - "Mother Simpson

1. Albert Brooks - "You Only Move Twice"

What do you think? They leave anyone else out?

"I have a first place ribbon in doing nothing. It's the same ribbon as last place. It's purple."

Blogs In The Workplace

I never thought that blogs and employment went together. Sure, I've blogged at work but I think that's kinda the point. In fact, I've heard more than once that blogs can negatively affect a workplace situation. Until I read this article about blogging and the job hunt. They go into the obvious things about how employers or potential ones might consider you differently if they ever found your profanity-laced take on life. Then again, if you have one that takes a comprehensive look at your industry, it may actually be a benefit to your job hunt. And even blogging about the job hunt can help you find a new gig. Anybody confirm or deny any of those concepts? If so, I may have to start a new blog that can help me land a good job instead of this one which is probably dragging me down.

"Watch out for your cornhole, man."

Thursday, March 23, 2006

That's The Way The Ball Bounces

This just might be the most bizzarre week in my entire life (nah, not gonna get into it now. sorry) and March Madness is playing a factor. And the strangest stuff isn't even happening on the court. Yesterday, my Bearcats had their season end with a loss in the NIT. Hours before the game, two starters were yanked from the roster due to academic ineligibility. Just the latest in a long-line of setbacks against the University of Cincinnati basketball program going all the way back to the dismissal of the head coach back in August. I was there in person last night to see the loss as well as most of the home games for the last part of the season.

ALSO today, UC's old coach got a new job, UC's current coach got a new job, and UC announced their new coach. All in the same day! Past, present, and future all fly in my face at the same time. And the weird thing is, as huge as anyone of these events are here (let alone all at once) this isn't even a blip on the national radar due to the NCAA Tournament.

"Every now and then we have to let the general public know that we can still blow shit up."

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Programming Note and Self-Promtional Crap

First off, I think there's a new episode of LOST tonight. I have no idea how long it will be before the show returns to reruns, as it more than likely will not be non-stop until the end of the season.

Also, Jeff came up with a little something to try and drum up interest for our Unabated Sports radio show and web site. It's called Up Yours, Billy Packer. It's a place to bash the CBS college basketball announcer and his comments that belittled smaller schools and their inclusion in the NCAA Tournament. It's really resonated and has exploded in a couple hundred visits a day for the first week of existence. Obviously, people aren't big fans of Mr. Packer. Or this just proves the popularity of sites with "Up Yours" in the title.

"One of us has been drinking, and I'm sad to say it isn't me."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not Here. Not Here.

The shotgun full of snow that was supposed to barrell down on us turned out to be just a bee-bee gun *pif* of precipitation. Still, I stayed indoors as long as possible because the drivers around here tend to forget how to drive when some flakes hit the road.

Anyway, I'll be brief today and just point out something I saw of Fark today: Little Caesars is planning to expand into the south and northeast. Here's a crazy idea: why not try to get back into Toledo, Cincinnati, and other markets where you have completely bailed out? I feel sad for saying this, but I actually have taken little detours when I've travelled north to be able to get some Crazy Bread. Cause that stuff in the K-Marts (and the Detroit Airport, for that matter) just ain't the real thing.

"Don't sell yourself short, you're a tremendous slouch."

Talent Shows Are Evil

We all know that. But there's an internet movie that claims it costs a fellow more than his dignity. Apparently, one Apple employee got fired for his talent show entry. If that's true, I think it was a little premature in their part. I mean, they fired the guy because of some culturally insensitive comments and now this footage is making it's way across the internet. In a free-range poem, he said Americans were ruder than Canadians. Wow. What a rascist. Are there still people like this in the 21st century?

"Just tell them that their wildest dreams will come true if they vote for you."

Monday, March 20, 2006

V For Saw Movie

First off, thanks to all of your opinions last week about whether or not to see the movie before reading the original graphic novel. I did hold off reading it until I saw the movie. And I wasn't the only one who checked it out, V For Vendetta was the #1 movie in America in it's opening weekend. Overall, I really like it. I paid $8.50 to see it and felt it was worth every penny so I think that says a lot. The Goat gave V a pretty good grade. I thought Hugo Weaving was perfect and I think this was the hottest I've seen Natalie Portman. Overall, not bad.

How does it compare to the source material? I'm only about halfway through the original Alan Moore-written piece so I can't give a full breakdownn. But some obvious changes were made to reflect the times we're living in now. There's a lot of shots taken at America's current place in the world and Moore had a beef with that. Also he didn't like how fascism and anarchy were left out of the movie as they were key components in his work. But I really felt enough elements of the original remained and the updates worked well. Fellow comic book writer Peter David thought so. So, I'm not alone. What'd you guys think of the movie? And the book? But don't spoil too much, I haven't finished it yet.

"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having."

Snowed In On The First Day of Spring?

We're supposed to have this big winter storm move in tonight and muck things up tomorrow. In preperation, a lot of people kinda get all caught up in the cookiness like we might be trapped in our house for the rest of the week. The grocery store was packed as people were stocking up as if they needed to live underground for a while. While these scenarios usually don't come to fruition, at least once a year there's a day where the weather just demands you stay indoors and not come out until it passes by.

It is in that spirit that I ask you, if you knew that you were gonna be snowed in for a day, what would you do? Would you head to Blockbuster and stock up on a bunch of movies? Go to someone's house ahead of the storm and have a little party? Or would you actually use the time to get stuff done around your house? Whoops, I guess I shoulda asked this before I battled the mobs at the store. If someone gives me a good option, I won't be able to get any outside materials necessary if a good idea is brought up.

"A person is smart. People are stupid, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Following Takes Place...

We're pretty much at the halfway point of Season Five of 24 so maybe I should talk a little about it. Sure, I made up 24mas and briefly touched on the recent 24 doubleheader but I haven't really gotten into it. Certainly not like I did when I broke down the show during Season 3. If you're waiting to watch the show on DVD, you probably should avoid this blog entry. I'm gonna spoil the surprises of a few folks who bite it this year.

Obviously, the season got off to that amazing start with a staggering body count of characters that have a long history with the show. It was brilliant because it worked on two levels. One, Dennis Haysbert has another show he was going to do. And two, the audience and Jack have a history with President Palmer so his fate had a significant amount of weight. And it wouldn't be the only time this year we've said good-bye to an established character. Palmer's death was well done as was Michelle's. I kinda wish Tony had died there, too, cause he kinda went out like a bitch last week. Although, that did hurt Jack quite a bit. I don't think we've seen that much anguish on Keifer's face during the show's run as when he was hugging Tony's dead corpse. I guess I can see why considering he saw the deaths of 40% of CTU's staff, including three major players in the past hour.

I see 24 is also keeping alive a Star Trek staple: the redshirts. You notice how the CTU security guards sport crimson shirts? All the better for them to go charging to their deaths. Sure, they sport ties and badges, but how much does that help against nerve gas? Apparently, not much.

Sure, things have gotten a little kooky at times this year. And disbelief has to be suspended a few times. But this season has definitely provided a lot of good shinola. What's been your favorite part of the season so far? What's been the most shocking thing we've seen this year?

"So if you're looking for some Big-League clout, apply for that little green home-run hitter."

Coach Komercials

If you're like me, you've been watching a lot of NCAA basketball the last couple days. And pretty much every single commercial break showed Duke's Coach K hawking some product. Here's an amusing parody showing us it could be worse. Although, seeing these commercials all day long every couple of minutes is making me a bit daft. Which one is the most irritating to you? Or is it all the CBS shows that try to somehow cram basketball references into their ads?

"Vomit-free since '93!"

Longhorns, Gators, and Tigers... Oh, Crap

As I mentioned yesterday, I am a little sensitive this year about the NCAA tournament. Still, there's brackets to be filled out and tons of games to watch. When it comes to the brackets, I am a little frustrated about last year's results. I pretty much picked every single upset and already had reservations placed in advance or the Cinderella teams. Despite this, I got obliterated in my pools. While I had most of the Sweet Sixteen, six of my Elite Eight teams, those results were pretty much worthless without my "champion" who choked on the first weekend. (Hmm... maybe that's why I didn't put UConn in the Final Four this year.) Anyway, the point was I needed to change the way I chose my teams. I did that this year, and was not thrilled with the results:
Texas, Memphis, North Carolina, and Florida.
Yeah, I know. No one in the world has that Final Four setup. I guess changing my method for the sake of changing it really didn't work for me. I have Texas over NC in the final game, which I am comfortable with. Anyone else have a better bracket? Wanna trade?

"A dark day for humanity, folks. We have been beaten... in basketball."

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I think enough time has passed between now and the season finale of Battlestar Galactica. Otherwise, this entry might be a little too spoilerific for you. Actually, that picture might, too. Sorry. Hopefully, it doesn't blow too many secrets... like the rest of this entry surely will. Okay, let's examine.

I guess the biggest surprise to me in the last episode was the time jump. I think that's the first time that's ever been done in television history that they move the story ahead a year in a single episode. And it worked brilliantly. We skipped past all the boring parts of colonizing and can instantly see the long-term consequences of an executive decision.

It's ironic that I loved the time jump concept in this form, but hate it in another. DC Comics recently had all of their storylines do the exact same thing: pick up one year later. From the moment they announced the decision, I thought it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Instead of jumping-on points, I have taken this opportunity to jump off most of the titles I have been collecting. I don't why I reacted so negatively to DC's take on the same concept I praise BSG for doing. I guess it's because it seems artificial and just reeks of a marketing stunt for a comic book company, while it helped move the story forward in a natural way for Adama and his crew.

"Anything that's fun cost at least $8."

Someone In Bill Gates's Organization Has A Sense of Humor

A few weeks ago I told you about a great video that might have been a nice addition to Fan Film Friday. It was a scathing look at how Microsoft might botch the simplistic marketing style of Apple on their iPod. There's just one problem. Microsoft made the self-satirizing video. That explains the high-quality and spot-on techniques used by the software giant on their products. But it does prevent me from adding it to my FFF collection. Still, it's really damn cool and definitely worth a look. Go check it out.

"We're better than you are! We have better stuff."
"You don't get it, Steve. That doesn't matter!"

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm Back On The NFL's High Horse

The so-called "best time of the year" is upon us as March Madness is in full effect. But it's hard to embrace this time of year: My Bearcats got jobbed. Yeah, I know there's some things they could've done to take care of their own business. And I know UC probably wouldn't have probably even won a game. But this year, more than ever, it was so important to receive that invite to vindicate this tumultous season. Their resume was good enough to be considered, but apparently not good enough for the selection comittee made up of athletic directors from various schools who have conflicted interests since the institutions who they work for will reap the benefits of every team in their conference making it to the NCAA tournament.

That's why the NFL is better. There's no comittee or polls or bowl promoters decide whether or not a team has a chance at the championship game. There is only one determining factor for a playoff berth: what a team does on the field. There's a set amount of rules and everyting's in back and white and everyone knows what needs to be done to qualified. Nowhere along the line are decisions made by a commissioner, the media, or anyone other the hard facts of what happens on the field. All the tie-breakers are set well in advance so there's no surprises. Hell, even in the worse case scenario, it comes down to a coin toss.

Yep, leave it to me to take shots at some of the best sporting product out there and praise the NFL. Don't get me wrong, college basketball is pretty darn good. But, when it comes down to it, NCAA bball (and football, for that matter) is a little too close to figure skating and other sports where the whims of "impartial" judges decides who has a chance to win and who goes home.

Oh, well. Better get around to filling out my bracket and downloading the games to my iPod. Oh, wait. I don't have an iPod. Now who can I blame that on?

"You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing!"

Monday, March 13, 2006

V For See Movie?

Pop quiz, hotshot. I'm planning on seeing V For Vendetta this weekend. It's based on a graphic novel that I just finally got around to getting this month. The question is, do I read it before I see the movie version this weekend? What do I do? What do I do?

I'm leaning towards not reading it because, more often than not, the movie is not as good as the source material. Especially when folks are adapting Alan Moore's stuff. Remember League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Yeah, LXG was LXCrap. But, early reviews for Vendetta are pretty good. Even though there's been a public airing of Alan Moore's beef, which is no real surprise considering he can be surly at times.

Then again, the point is probably kind of moot, considering I'll probably see the movie Saturday and won't have a lot of time to start and finish the rather lengthy tome. Still, there might be enough time to get it in. What do you think?

"They used to burn men like you... alive."

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Freaky 9/11 Foreshadowing

Every once in a while, you see something produced before September 11, 2001 and you can look back and see things that just kinda creep you out in the context of events as they came to pass. You can see the Twin Towers assaulted in a 1991 crossover between X-Force and Spider-Man. (Greg Burgas pointed that out.) Not the first time we saw such an act in comics on the World Trade Center. The Transformers saw the post-9/11 future. Of course, the most accurate prediction came from the Lone Gunman, the X-files spinoff you totally forgot about.

I saw another one this weekend as I was watching a "classic" Saturday Night Live episode from Spring of 2000. The Rock hosted and AC/DC was the musical act. Good episode. Espcially the Clark Kent and "Nicotrel" sketches. Anyway, during Weekend Update, Colin Quinn did some story about New York City and the skyline prominately featured the WTC. As I was thinking how odd that looked, the very next story was about Osama Bin Laden. If he was well-known enough to be poked fun of on SNL, I would like to think he would've been on the radar of our national security folks. I think the story was something about Bin Laden being sick or something. Too bad failing health couldn't have kicked in during the year 2000.

"Society's never gonna make any progress until we all learn to pretend to like each other."

Career Numbers

While I'm trying to get over Cincinnati getting screwed out of the Big Dance, let's take a look at the career numbers of the Sock Drawer Quote Contest. This does not include today's or yesterday's quote.
dupree 74
The Goat 72
Eric 51
Logan 58
Jeff 44
Amy 44
MOe 35
Kelley 31
Kerry 29
Rinnert 27
baba ganoush 19
Greg Burgas 16
Tom the Dog 14
Zman 13
Doodyhead 7
Zandra 6
Jeremy 4
Maderer 4
Heather 3
Becky 2
Natalie 2
Erin 2
Herb 2
Joel 1
Nagel 1
KT 1
Amanda 1
And here's the standard explanation of the contest for those who just got here and have no idea what is going on: At the end of every blog entry, I leave you with a quote. Be the first one to make a comment stating where the quote from and you get a point. Anyone can guess. Even if new entries are put up, all previous unclaimed quotes from 2006 are still fair game. Whoever has the most points at the end of the year is the winner.

I'm gonna put a link on your name, unless you tell me otherwise. For those of you who are not linked right now, I don't know where to send people.

"You were an excellent student. Too bad I was a lousy teacher!"

Thursday, March 09, 2006

All Praise Tagliabue!

Everyone knows this by now but the NFL will have labor piece for the next six years. It's greay, but kinda emberrassing because the Bengals were half of the dissenting voice. Fortunately, the other vocie belonged to the old, crazy Bills owner so Cinci was able to hide behind the senile whack-job. Still, I have to do some research about why Mike Brown didn't like the deal. All I care about is that there is a deal and I can start getting excited about all the NFL offseason. Let me at those mock drafts!

"I love references to dead celebrities that no one cares about anymore."

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Firefly Friday

The blog hasn't been spectacular lately but here's a public service announcement for you. If you still haven't seen Firefly yet, here's another chance today. Sci-Fi is running a marathon. So if you saw Serenity and want to get the backstory on those characters or are completely oblivious to the 'verse, here's your chance to catch up for free.

"I knew it. I knew it. Well, not in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know."

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Showers For Men?

Okay, this is one of those blog entries where I tell you something I did and you tell me how odd or not odd it was. I already mentioned that I went to a friend's baby shower this past weekend. So, I ask you, is this a normal thing for a guy to go to at this stage in the 21st century? A single guy, to boot. Maybe I'll share my experiences later. But, for right now, I don't want to taint the sampling.

"While you're at it, why don't you try a shirt with sleeves if you got one, Romeo?"

Hell of A Day

Wow! The double-sized edition of 24 last night was outstanding. How much ass did Jack Bauer kick? I'm guessing he's not gonna be invited to the Henderson's Christmas party. And I admit I got a little choked at the end when... you know. Don't want to get too spoilery here. Also, the ratings were very good for the two-hour event and have been at a high level the entire season. They've even had better numbers than at any point in the show's history.

As if the show wasn't cool enough, we were treated to a premiere of the new X-Men 3 trailer. Despite all the bad things I heard about X3's production and pre-production, it just keeps looking pretty good. Hope it doesn't dissappoint when it hits theaters in May.

"I hope they show the time where they traded guns to the Indians for corn, and then the Indians shot them, and took the corn.""

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Only in Cincinnati

This has been in an email going around so I thought I would share it. I'm wondering what you out-of-towners think of such a statement.

"I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin."

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Since I'm Busy At A Baby Shower Today...

Enjoy this video.

It's like as if the Simpsons were real or something. More on the baby shower next week.

"I don't want the world, I just want your half"

Friday, March 03, 2006

My New Randomly Generated Slogan

A Woody Is Forever.

Courtesy of this site. Go try it out for yourself. In fact, if you do and post the results in the comment section, I'll give you a point towards the quote contest. It just has to be different from what everyone else has.

"You may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space."

I'll Be Honest... Not Really Here Right Now

Yesterday, we had in-studio guests for the Unabated Sports radio show. Almost a dozen members of the University of Cincinnati dance team were in the house. Needless to say, I've been a little spacey since then.

"The future will be better tomorrow."

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bloody Thursday Postponed

For those who have read this blog, it should come to no surprise that I love the NFL. Unfortunately, there's a lot of news going on off the field. Basically, this fine upstanding sports league could become a blithering mess in a couple of years. This whole dispute involves a lot of things I don't understand. The NFL delayed free agency a few days to try and buy more time, but it sounds like the point will be moot. It'll just wait until after the weekened for the fit to hit the shan.

I just haven't been as gung ho or excited as I have been in off-seasons past. By this time, I would have been hip deep in mock drafts or scoured potential free agent lists a hundred times over. I have a feeling that this CBA mess was probably a big reason for it. As a fan of a notoriously cheap franchise, I just am not excited by the prospect of the NFL becoming more like MLB. I'm so disenfranchised I can't even finish this blog entry.

"Sometimes, it's so easy, I'm ashamed of myself."