Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Programming Note and Self-Promtional Crap

First off, I think there's a new episode of LOST tonight. I have no idea how long it will be before the show returns to reruns, as it more than likely will not be non-stop until the end of the season.

Also, Jeff came up with a little something to try and drum up interest for our Unabated Sports radio show and web site. It's called Up Yours, Billy Packer. It's a place to bash the CBS college basketball announcer and his comments that belittled smaller schools and their inclusion in the NCAA Tournament. It's really resonated and has exploded in a couple hundred visits a day for the first week of existence. Obviously, people aren't big fans of Mr. Packer. Or this just proves the popularity of sites with "Up Yours" in the title.

"One of us has been drinking, and I'm sad to say it isn't me."


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