Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I think enough time has passed between now and the season finale of Battlestar Galactica. Otherwise, this entry might be a little too spoilerific for you. Actually, that picture might, too. Sorry. Hopefully, it doesn't blow too many secrets... like the rest of this entry surely will. Okay, let's examine.

I guess the biggest surprise to me in the last episode was the time jump. I think that's the first time that's ever been done in television history that they move the story ahead a year in a single episode. And it worked brilliantly. We skipped past all the boring parts of colonizing and can instantly see the long-term consequences of an executive decision.

It's ironic that I loved the time jump concept in this form, but hate it in another. DC Comics recently had all of their storylines do the exact same thing: pick up one year later. From the moment they announced the decision, I thought it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Instead of jumping-on points, I have taken this opportunity to jump off most of the titles I have been collecting. I don't why I reacted so negatively to DC's take on the same concept I praise BSG for doing. I guess it's because it seems artificial and just reeks of a marketing stunt for a comic book company, while it helped move the story forward in a natural way for Adama and his crew.

"Anything that's fun cost at least $8."


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