Sunday, March 12, 2006

Freaky 9/11 Foreshadowing

Every once in a while, you see something produced before September 11, 2001 and you can look back and see things that just kinda creep you out in the context of events as they came to pass. You can see the Twin Towers assaulted in a 1991 crossover between X-Force and Spider-Man. (Greg Burgas pointed that out.) Not the first time we saw such an act in comics on the World Trade Center. The Transformers saw the post-9/11 future. Of course, the most accurate prediction came from the Lone Gunman, the X-files spinoff you totally forgot about.

I saw another one this weekend as I was watching a "classic" Saturday Night Live episode from Spring of 2000. The Rock hosted and AC/DC was the musical act. Good episode. Espcially the Clark Kent and "Nicotrel" sketches. Anyway, during Weekend Update, Colin Quinn did some story about New York City and the skyline prominately featured the WTC. As I was thinking how odd that looked, the very next story was about Osama Bin Laden. If he was well-known enough to be poked fun of on SNL, I would like to think he would've been on the radar of our national security folks. I think the story was something about Bin Laden being sick or something. Too bad failing health couldn't have kicked in during the year 2000.

"Society's never gonna make any progress until we all learn to pretend to like each other."


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