Tuesday, February 28, 2006

YouTube Test

I've been enjoying this You Tube site and all the keen little videos on it. Rinnert showed me how Microsoft would botch the simplicity of the iPod. And then there's this Top Ten list done by Peter Griffen.

If you don't feel like watching the thing, or just can't due to technical problems, the entire tope ten list is here. But you should watch it. Dave doesn't seem to be happy to be sharing the stage with a fictional character.

One of the things I love about Family Guy is how it taps into my subconcious and pulls out stuff that really appeals to deep-rooted feelings that I didn't even know I had. For example:
"Shouldn't Crystal Bernard be in 'Playboy' by now... ? I mean, we did our part and sat through seven seasons of 'Wings'."
That's brilliant because I have always felt that way, I just never actually realized it until I head that. I mean, when was the last time you even thought of Crystal Bernard? Did you even know who she was until you got to the 'Wings' part? And yet, even though I haven't thought of her on a concious level in several years, I feel the same way that the Family Guy does.

"We should all buy more American-made products. Which, at last check, are down to porn and cheeseburgers."

So Much Football, Only One Xbox

For those familiar with the fine art of football simulators, we've been privy to some fine games coming out from the fine folks at Electronic Arts. Madden NFL allows you to steer the fates of a professional franchise as NCAA Football puts you in charge of a Division I program. Despite their similar base premises (i.e. playing football games), I've been a steady purchaser of both games for the last few years. My favorite aspect of the games is the behind-the-scenes construction of the teams, so I enjoy the difference between recruiting in NCAA and drafting/free agency in Madden. That's usually enough to get me to play both even though the core of both is very similar.

I do rarely play both at once, though. It seems I have a pretty regular annual cycle of when I play each. In July, the new version of NCAA Football comes out and I play that pretty regularly until August when the latest Madden is released. When September rolls around and the college guys take the field before NFL's Week 1, I put my NCAA disc back in the Xboxen and usually don't take it out until after the Bowl games are done. During the NFL's post-season and business season (or off-season to the Linklamen), I'm all about the Madden. Usually, around the end of spring, I'll pop NCAA back for a few weeks but will put both football games away by the official start of summer. I use the time to cleanse my system in preperation of the cycle beginning anew with another new edition of NCAA Football.

Now EA's putting another game in this already-crowded market: Arena Football. AFL has gotten so-so reviews but I still would love to play it at least once. I mean, look at that hit! It's probably a rental unless I can use my connections to swing a free game. Does anyone plan on getting this game? Do you already have NCAA or Madden? I hear the game's a little bit cheaper ($30 it looks like) than your standard new release. Does that help?

"You know, I vaguely recall seeing footage somewhere of something exactly like this, which leads me to believe this probably won't work."

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sometimes I Don't Notice Things

The Cincinnati Enquirer had an article about my local comic shop and I only found it when I saw it at a comic blog, The Great Curve. How sad is it that I learned about this from a site that's probably operated out of another part of the country? Well, I don't get the paper so maybe it's not that bad.

Anyway, scanning the article, it seems to be about comic books as investments. I wouldn't suggest it since you'd have to shell out some money to get any that are worth a damn and continue to be worth something. Their value doesn't shoot up very quickly so I don't see it being a lucrative business. But, as an enjoyable hobby that may or may not return on your investments? It's pretty darn good. Just don't bank the house on it.

"Are you an authorized dealmaker in this establishment? Do you have the power to negotiate?"
"You wanna haggle over the price of your French Dip?"

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Woody Likes Shooting Kids

I had a good time reliving some childhood (well, maybe young adulthood) memories with a Laser Tag outing. I probably shouldn't be proud of the fact that I enjoyed shooting fake guns at pre-teen kids but it was a righteous fun time. It was good enough for How I Met Your Mother so it's good enough for me, right? They say it might make a comeback. Anyone else play it recently or am I the only sad adult to step into a laser light arena?

"This birth is not proceeding as it did in the simulations."

Saturday, February 25, 2006


"It's simply beyond words. It's incalcucable."

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Return of Fan Film Friday?

It's been over a year and a half since I declared I was gonna be all about Fan Films, those products of love that fans make starring the characters they love. I had a decent run reviewing about 37 pieces, ranging from serious attempts to simulate a blockbuster to larks that were made by a group of amateurs over a weekend. Most of them came on the end of the work week and were dubbed Fan Film Friday. But, after a while, I gave the concept a rest and put FFF on the shelf for a little while. Part of it was due to my own laziness (no surprise) but another part was that the once-fertile pool of Fan Films were drying up. Now, we may have some to work with again.

Mike at Progressive Ruin has found a whole slew of Fan Films over at You Tube. This seems to be the new place for underground-type videos. Or maybe it has been for a while and I just noticed now. Although, someone did link to a video of Nick Lachey singing with Kitt so I have seen some crazy stuff there before. The point is, I'll check out what they've got and probably let you know what's worth checking out in the form of your old friend, the Fan Film Friday report.

"I'm not programmed to react to a girl's smile. You on the other hand, are programmed to react to nothing else."

LOST Theory Thursday

I took last week off, but am back with some interesting tidbit from someone who's smarter than me. Or, at least, they have more time. This item was pointed out in regards to last week's episode where the castaways were trying to determine if a newcomer, Henry Gale, was an "Other" or if he was another victim of the island of crashed souls.
Henry Gale is from Wizard of Oz and that is the name of Dorothy's uncle. The wizard uses a hot air balloon as a method of travel in Oz. Coincidence?
Seems to me that Sayid and crew definitely have an "Other" on their hands. Although, Gale wouldn't be the first person on that island to have connections to fictional or historical figures. (Locke, Rosseau, etc.) But Henry does seem to have too many.

"Money's very expensive these days."

Monday, February 20, 2006

Avenging Ultimates

A new comic book movie is out this week. And some people have already had some questions for me. Being the comic book nerd friend, this is normal when a comic book expands beyond it's standard format. Ultimate Avengers is based on The Ultimates, which is essentially an updated version of the Avengers. Ergo, the movie name which combines the two. Basically, the American government puts together a team of super-heroes. The comic book plays with the idea that maybe it's not the best thing in the world for George W. to have access to weapons of super destruction. It'll be interesting if this gets raised in a streamlined story that barely runs over an hour. The PG-13 rating makes it seem like some of the edgier content may stay in the animated version. The movie stars Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the Incredible Hulk so it should have someone you've heard of before in it. Also, the head of the elite spy organization is based on Samuel L. Jackson so that might some entertainment value.

Another question actually regards the format that the movie is being released on: UMD. I found that UMD stands for Universal Media Disc according to an evolution of the DVD article. Best guess? Sounds like the Playstation Portable discs, just by a different name. Apparently, the days of movies on PSPs discs might be numbered. So, enjoy your UMDs while you can, if you even knew what they were.

Hope these helped.

"You will buy your weather from me! And by God you'll pay for it."

Fear Love Hope Pain Death Stuff

I've been seeing some good news lately on Adult Swim in regards to my favorite show on there, The Venture Brothers. I thoroughly enjoyed the first season and Cartoon Network waited a good long time deciding on whether or not to pick up a second season. Eventually, they did. But, it took a good long time to make that season. I had heard this spring but it looks like it won't be until summer. A fan site, The Mantis-Eye Experiment, goes on to say June 25 will be the exact day. Boy, am I looking forward to that cause they kinda left us on a bit of a cliffhanger.

If you're out of the loop, you can watch the first season on Saturday nights at 11. Or you can, like me, pick up the Season One DVD will be out May 30. I'm glad to see it will include the pilot, which was hardly ever rerun, and the Christmas special.

"You have to understand you can't waltz into the middle of a delicate, high-stakes chess tournament and yell, "King me!" 'cause he bitched up your face."

"Green Light, Kid. We Did It!"

My friend, Jeff, and I have been reminiscing today about a show we both enjoyed, even though we barely remember it: Voyagers! Yeah, you probably don't remember it either. It aired for only one season on NBC back in 1982. It was about a "voyager" named Phinneas Bogg who travelled through time and helped nudge the past in the proper direction. Except he lost the guide book, his only source of how history is supposed to turn out, and has to bring a 12 year-old boy with him after accidently knocking him out of his bedroom window. Okay, that didn't sound too good and should get this site plenty of visits from sick, twisted people. But once you get past the goofy premise, it came down to this kid helping a swash-buckling time traveller from the wrong sides winning certain wars to historically people being in the right place at the right time. Essentially, it's like Quantum Leap with a kid instead of a hologram. Oh, and they could go all over history up until 1970. Don't know why that was the cutoff. Maybe there was to be no fourth dimensional interference to prevent the Disco craze.

I found some good info about it at the The "Unofficial" Voyagers! Home Page which helps stir some memories and gives another fan's perspective. Here's another Voyagers! perspective. It was a kid-friendly show and could definitely be modified and updated for today's audience. Here's a look at what a Voyagers! animated show might look like courtesy of a strange animated characters page. It doesn't look official so I doubt we'll see a Voyagers! remake anytime soon.

I have such limited memories and the tidbits are odd. They'd essentially fall out of the sky everytime they time travelled and I think they almost always landed in a hay bail or something. I think Phinneas was emberrassed of his first name so he had everyone call him by his last name. They travelled by way of the Omni, a compass-like thing that would turn red when history was bad and turn green when everything was fixed. Anybody else remember this show? Here's the opening credits to Voyagers! to help jog your memory.

"Ziggy says you need to work the shaft, WORK THE SHAFT!"

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sirius Problems?

I read this article that had some good news/bad news for the folks at Sirius satellite radio. Revenue (that's incoming money, right?) tripled but profit and stock prices took a dive. Things at XM haven't been exactly rosy, either. Their shares are down, too, and "a director resigned on Thursday and warned of a looming 'crisis' if XM does not rein in spending." I think the concept of satellite radio is a good one with a good consumer base. I'm wondering if these two just might implode before either of them can make some regular coin doing that. We'll see if the pending Playboy Radio channel brings in another surge... of listeners. I'm skeptical a magazine famous for naked women could work on radio but it has to be better than Maxim's crappy station.

"Talk hard, I like that. It's like a dirty thought in a nice clean mind."

Friday, February 17, 2006

Doodyheads and Quote Standings

We've seen some new faces on this year's quote standings. Fifteen people had already thrown their names in the hunt last month, and Nagel jumped in for the first time, this month. Outstanding. Most of these names are known to me as I have met them in real life or parused their site often enough. But occassionally someone mysterious pops on the list. This time, it's "Doodyhead" in all his various incarnations. Here's the current standings, unless someone gets yesterday's quote. Then it'll be off by one.
Eric 10
Logan 5
Doodyhead 4
dupree 4
Zman 4
Greg Burgas 3
Tom the Dog 3
The Goat 2
Natalie 2
Jeff 1
MOe 1
Zandra 1
Joel 1
Rinnert 1
Kerry 1
Nagel 1
And here's the standard explanation of the contest for those who just got here and have no idea what is going on: At the end of every blog entry, I leave you with a quote. Be the first one to make a comment stating where the quote from and you get a point. Anyone can guess. Even if new entries are put up, all previous unclaimed quotes from 2006 are still fair game. Whoever has the most points at the end of the year is the winner.

I'm gonna put a link on your name, unless you tell me otherwise. For those of you who are not linked right now, I don't know where to send people. Heck, I don't even know who "Doodyhead" is. Oh, yeah, I already covered that,

Random Random Facts Friday

Yeah, I didn't make it very fact into February before I started botching some of the weekly features I wanted to set up. I forgot to do a LOST Theory Thursday yesterday and today's random facts are a little more random than I would like. Here's Hooked on Facts which has random facts on random subjects. I had intended this to feature tidbits about a single subject like Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer but there's a lack of preperation for you. As for LOST Theory Thursday? Maybe I'll get to it next week to make up for ABC thrusting another rerun on us out of nowhere.

"I am Count Dracula!"
"Didn't you use to teach math on Sesame Street?"

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm Jack Bauer! And Don't Ever Let Me Catch You Guys in America!

Keifer Sutherland made a comment that made print lately: he would not be opposed to an Airplane-style spoof of 24. Not only would he like the idea, he'd like the folks behind the real show to do it. Apparently, there are some comical moments that happen while they are filming the exploits of CTU's premiere anti-terrorist agent. Of course, some people think the show is already a parody of itself. I disagree, but there is a lot that could be poked at with great success. But, other than a star or two appearing on Saturday Night Live or a similar show, we've never really seen a franchise make fun of itself. I don't know if that's a good thing for a group so close to the subject matter to poke fun or if this kind of comedy should be left to proffessional comedy experts. I know it would be a bad move for them to make the parody, then try to make it serious again. I think I'd settle for a low-key hour of Jack enjoying a nice bite to eat or a power nap. On second thought, I'd like to get Nina Myers back.

"That's crazy!"
"No, crazy is walking down the street with half a cantaloupe on your head, muttering "I'm a hamster, I'm a hamster."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Metaphor For A Career

Apparently, Tony Danza's talk show has been cancelled. It's sad and I shouldn't make fun. but, here it is.

"They told him don't you ever come around here. Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ugly People Need Love, Too!

In my job last year, I dealt with a lot of couples. For the most part, I got the impression that pretty people married pretty people. Average-looking people married average-looking people and so on. It was rare to see a man or a woman go out of their league. By and large, it's not like the wide discrepency shown on TV. If someone's not attractive and fat, chances are, they end up with somoene not attractive and fat. I'm sure you've seen these couples at the grocery store or somewhere. Scary looking dude with a bad mustache and missing a tooth. The lady's got a lazy eye and her gut goes out farther than her breasts. Of course, they procreated and their kids already look like they've been beaten with the ugly truncheon.

A friend and I were discussing this phenomonon and trying to see it from that angle. Being the pretty people that we were, we had no clue what it must be like for ugly people when they get together. Do they see their partner as the hideous monstrosity they truly are? If they do, do they then make the connection that they, themselves, are as equally unattractive. Or... are they under the delusion that their partner is better looking than what everyone else sees? I'm telling you, these questions really keep me up at night.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2006

A Bunch of Blogs In One

The observant amongst you might have noticed a new link on the ol' sidebar: A Bunch of Us. I also added the RSS feed on the side. It's the brainchild of Kables, the man who keeps all things Peelio running, including this here site. It's seems like he's gathering a bunch of people who occassionally have things to say, but not enough to carry their own blog. So, there's usually something new there every time you go. Even if a particular contributor only writes in there a couple times a week. I also like it cause everyone gets their own little animated icon so it's easy to tell who wrote what. One of my biggest problems with blogs that have multiple writers is that it's hard to tell who says what. Not in this case. Good work.

"For every action..."
"There is a Jackson."

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Woody The Football Widow

I understand that "football widows" are normally women who have lost their husbands to the football season, but that doesn't make sense to me. I think it makes more sense the way that I'm using it today: football has left me. Sure, there's the Pro Bowl tonight but that doesn't count. The next time an NFL team takes the field will be the Hall of Fame game on August 6. And that's preseason, so that's kind of the same thing. Holy crap, that's a long off-season. There's the NFL Draft on April 29. Even that seems like a million years away. The off-season, or "NFL business season" is actually my favorite part of year. But the problem is it is so drawn out that weeks can go by without anything new happening. It would be wonderful if we could just simulate the slow parts and move past them like in a franchise mode of EA's Madden game. No can do. I guess I'll just have to keep myself occupied for a few weeks until the NFL Combine comes around with the next batch of big NFL news.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, it's going to rust."

It's A Trick, Get An Axe

Apparently, Bruce Campbell is working on a movie where he plays Bruce Campbell: They Call Him Bruce. The B Movie Legend is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight real monsters in a small town in Orgeon. Sounds funny. Since we probably will never get an Evil Dead IV, this might be the closest we'll get. Well, that and the Evil Dead video games. I'm kinda liking this movie, despite Campbell's recent efforts on Sci-Fi. Alien Apocalypse in a cheesy kind of way was alright but The Man With The Screaming Brain was pretty much unwatchable. I feel bad saying that, cause he Bruce is the friggen' man. Especially after meeting him in person. After reading Farkers discuss this, it seems like Bruce is still in good standings with his people. Let's hope this movie, if it does get made, doesn't take from that.

"Listen shake and bake, I eat death for breakfast and danger for dinner, so spread the word! I am back in business!"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Random Facts Friday: Chuck Norris

I don't know where the wave came from, but Chuck Norris is becoming an internet phenom. Over at Progressive Ruin, Mike noticed it. The Super Invincible Blog talked about Norris's Karate Kommandos. He provided a F*@% yeah moment for Dave's Long Box. You can see Norris's impact at such sites as Chuck's Luxurious Beard, and others. He's even got a Myspace profile. You can find out something new about CN at the random Chuck Norris fact generator. The facts are then voted on and ranked in the top 100 Chuck Norris facts. Although, it doesn't look the same as the last time I saw it. Some of my favorites are missing. Maybe they revamped it. ChuckNorrisFacts.com has the better ones.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.
Heh, exports are funny. Just remember, Chuck Norris is formidable.

"Spare me... I won the tournament... I did... f*@%in' Chuck Norris!"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

LOST Theory Thursday

In order to keep from being original and doing work, I'm gonna throw out a LOST theory I read somewhere after all the new episodes this month. This one is from the LOST TV forum-site that I ripped off a lot of pictures from yesterday.
In the Hatch, Locke was flipping through the book, "An Occurance At Owl Creek Bridge", which was made into a film and later picked up by The Twilight Zone, a program which JJ Abrahms pays quite a bit of homage to.

At the end of "Owl Creek Bridge" we learn the entire story occurs in the split second of a man's hanging...between the time his feet are kicked out and his neck snaps.

Could the entire series of LOST be happening in the split second between the plane crash and death? In other words...while we are watching everything going on, the plane is still falling from the air?
I hope not. That would be the biggest copout since we saw what's-his-face in the shower on Dallas. I think the writers have made it pretty clear that they're not dead, they're not in limbo. This theory would be a little too close to those. I think it's them throwing something in the show to mess with us. Just like Hurley's last line in the episode.

"Dentists tell you not to pick your teeth with any sharp metal objects. Then you sit in their chair. And the first thing they grab is an IRON HOOK."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More Fun With Gay Cowboys

We've got another one of those kooky "retrailers": Brokeback to the Future. Thanks to the fine folks at Monitor Duty for pointing this out. If you haven't seen the other movies who have gotten this treatment, here's The Shining as a light-hearted comedy, West Side Story as a zombie flick, and Romance Of The Jedi. Which looks a lot like Brokeback Jedis.

"Look! It's Joel Schumacher, history's greatest monster!"

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hotdown: LOST

Since new espisodes of LOST start up again tonight, I figured it's time to look at this show with a critical eye. I was surprised by how much work went into the last Hotdown and am expecting this to be even harder because of the expansive cast list.

I think she was hotter as Titus's girlfriend so I don't think she's the hottest girl on this show. Still, quite a looker, though. I dig what Hurley sees in her.
She's got a bit of a "two-face" thing going on. Sometimes I think she's all that, other times she looks like she was hit in the face with an ugly truncheon. Especially on her mugshot. Actually, Libby's not looking too good, either.
Okay, on to the original cast members. I started with this one because she's not really in consideration for me. She's cute and all but not even in the same class as her castmates. I know I'm going to get some disagreement on that but that's just how I roll. Of course, it hasn't helped that she hasn't been shown in the same light as some of her co-stars.

Yeah, you see what I mean. But she's been non-pregnant for a while and still not in my LOST top three. Which leads me to more bikini pictures. After all, isn't that what you came here for?Yeah, that's Maggie Grace as Shannon. See what I was sayinng about Claire not being in the same class? She's a stone cold hottie in the tropical sun. But those who have watched the show know what I talk about when I say that it has been difficult seeing her on screen. Miss Grace plays a spoiled little rich girl who has exceeded her whining quota for the forty some odd days she was on the island. Still, she's hot enough to be in my top 3.
Evangiline Lily as Kate is probably the best looker. If you put them all in a line-up and judge strictly on appearances. But sexiness isn't just that, it's how someone carries themself. And the way that this character carries herself is annoying.

It's a tough call but Yunjin Kim as Sun is my hottest LOST babe. She has got all the physical tangibles but also carries herself with a good amount of class and dignity. And she's smoking in a bikini. That's what I'm looking for. Which one do you like the most?

"Like the Batman villain?"
"If that helps you."

Sunday, February 05, 2006

XL Aftermath

I still feel a little down after the results of this year's big game. Obviously, I don't feel as bad as the Goat does today considering it was his team that didn't win yesterday. But even if it weren't his Seahawks they were playing, I was rooting like hell against the Steelers. I mean, they won some Super Bowls over 25 years ago and we're still hearing about it. Lord knows how long they'll milk this one. Over at Unabated Sports I talked about how the officials were too large of a factor. It really took me out of the game. Despite the results, the Goat was a fine party host and the shindig was enjoyable. Best line of the day came from the Goat while mocking those who felt Pittsburgh would push over Seattle: "The Seahawks are as soft as Gay Charmin."

Okay, let's take a look at what everyone really wants to talk about: Super Bowl commercials. I felt a lot of good ones in the house this year. A particularly violent bunch, which was used to an amusing effect. The Diet Pepsi campaign, despite the presence of Jay Mohr and Jackie Chan, was weak. One reaction: "Brown and Bubbly: that's what happens after about 8 White Castles." Personally, I really enjoyed the Mastercard MacGuyver one as well as the caveman who was fired for not using FedEx, kicked a lil' dino, and then got stomped on one. CareerBuilder knocked it out of the park for the second year in a row with the office full of monkeys. Also, the ones about "judging too quickly" were pretty humorous, too. What were your favorites?

"When you walk the walk, you like, gotta talk too."

Super Commercials

Sure, today had the two best NFL teams on the field fighting for the league championships. As if that weren't enough, there's something else that adds to the entertainment value: the Super Bowl commercials. And this year was no different. You can even watch the commercials without watching the game. For the past twenty or so years, advertisers have used this as a forum to grab attention for their products with some outlandish attempts. We'll find out on Sunday who will be the next company to benefit from the biggest television event of the year.

Here's the list of the 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials. Apparently, of all time. Don't listen to the list cause there's some bad choices on here and some of these commercials never even aired on Super Sunday.

"I think so Brain, but if Jimmy cracked corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?"

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Super Bowl Memories

I was looking over the Wikipedia's Super Bowl entry and amazed at how much I have forgotten. I used to know all the results, MVPs, and where they were played. But now that there's 40 of them, I can't keep track of them all. So, I'm just gonna throw up this list to reference back to when my memory lets me down. I was planning on adding a note or two to each game but just listing all the games took way too much time. Maybe now that all the work has been done, I'll try that again next year and just copy all this html then.

I Green Bay 35, Kansas City 10
Memorial Coliseum
Los Angeles, California
January 15, 1967
Attendance: 61,946
MVP: Bart Starr, QB, Green Bay
II Green Bay 33, Oakland 14
Orange Bowl
Miami, Florida
January 14, 1968
Attendance: 75,546
MVP: Bart Starr, QB, Green Bay
III N.Y. Jets 16, Baltimore 7
Orange Bowl
Miami, Florida
January 12, 1969
Attendance: 75,389
MVP: Joe Namath, QB, New York
IV Kansas City 23, Minnesota 7
Tulane Stadium
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 11, 1970
Attendance: 80,562
MVP: Len Dawson, QB, Kansas City
V Baltimore 16, Dallas 13
Orange Bowl
Miami, Florida
January 17, 1971
Attendance: 79,204
MVP: Chuck Howley, LB, Dallas
Hold on to this piece of trivia: this was the only time that a player from the losing team was MVP.
VI Dallas 24, Miami 3
Tulane Stadium
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 16, 1972
Attendance: 81,023
MVP: Roger Staubach, QB, Dallas
VII Miami 14, Washington 7
Memorial Coliseum
Los Angeles, California
January 14, 1973
Attendance: 90,182
MVP: Jake Scott, S, Miami
VIII Miami 24, Minnesota 7
Rice Stadium
Houston, Texas
January 13, 1974
Attendance: 71,882
MVP: Larry Csonka, RB, Miami
IX Pittsburgh 16, Minnesota 6
Tulane Stadium
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 12, 1975
Attendance: 80,997
MVP: Franco Harris, RB, Pittsburgh
X Pittsburgh 21, Dallas 17
Orange Bowl
Miami, Florida
January 18, 1976
Attendance: 80,187
MVP: Lynn Swann, WR, Pittsburgh
XI Oakland 32, Minnesota 14
Rose Bowl
Pasadena, California
January 9, 1977
Attendance: 103,438
MVP: Fred Biletnikoff, WR, Oakland
XII Dallas 27, Denver 10
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 15, 1978
Attendance: 76,400
co-MVPs: Randy White, DT, Dallas and Harvey Martin
XIII Pittsburgh 35, Dallas 31
Orange Bowl
Miami, Florida
January 21, 1979
Attendance: 79,484
MVP: Terry Bradshaw, QB, Pittsburgh
XIV Pittsburgh 31, L.A. Rams 19
Rose Bowl
Pasadena, California
January 20, 1980
Attendance: 103,985
MVP: Terry Bradshaw, QB, Pittsburgh
XV Oakland 27, Philadelphia 10
Louisiana Superdome
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 25, 1981
Attendance: 76,135
MVP: Jim Plunkett, QB, Oakland
XVI San Francisco 26, Cincinnati 21
Pontiac Silverdome
Pontiac, Michigan
January 24, 1982
Attendance: 81,270
MVP: Joe Montana, QB, San Francisco
XVII Washington 27, Miami 17
Rose Bowl
Pasadena, California
January 30, 1983
Attendance: 103,667
MVP: John Riggins, RB, Washington
XVIII L.A. Raiders 38, Washington 9
Tampa Stadium
Tampa, Florida
January 22, 1984
Attendance: 72,920
MVP: Marcus Allen, RB, Los Angeles
XIX San Francisco 38, Miami 16
Stanford Stadium
Stanford, California
January 20, 1985
Attendance: 84,059
MVP: Joe Montana, QB, San Francisco
XX Chicago 46, New England 10
Louisiana Superdome
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 26,1986
Attendance: 73,818
MVP: Richard Dent, DE, Chicago
XXI N.Y. Giants 39, Denver 20
Rose Bowl
Pasadena, California
January 25,1987
Attendance: 101,063
MVP: Phil Simms, QB, New York
XXII Washington 42, Denver 10
San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium
San Diego, California
January 31, 1988
Attendance: 73,302
MVP: Doug Williams, QB, Washington
XXIII San Francisco 20, Cincinnati 16
Joe Robbie Stadium
Miami, Florida
January 22, 1989
Attendance: 75,129
MVP: Jerry Rice, WR, San Francisco
XXIV San Francisco 55, Denver 10
Louisiana Superdome
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 28, 1990
Attendance: 72,919
MVP: Joe Montana, QB, San Francisco
XXV N.Y. Giants 20, Buffalo 19
Tampa Stadium
Tampa, Florida
January 27, 1991
Attendance: 73,813
MVP: Ottis Anderson, RB, New York
XXVI Washington 37, Buffalo 24
Minneapolis, Minnesota
January 26, 1992
Attendance: 63,130
MVP: Mark Rypien, QB, Washington
XXVII Dallas 52, Buffalo 17
Rose Bowl
Pasadena, California
January 31, 1993
Attendance: 98,374
MVP: Troy Aikman, QB, Dallas
XXVIII Dallas 30, Buffalo 13
Georgia Dome
Atlanta, Georgia
January 30, 1994
Attendance: 72,817
MVP: Emmitt Smith, RB, Dallas
XXIX San Francisco 49, San Diego 26
Joe Robbie Stadium
Miami, Florida
January 29, 1995
Attendance: 74,107
MVP: Steve Young, QB, San Francisco
XXX Dallas 27, Pittsburgh 17
Sun Devil Stadium
Tempe, Arizona
January 28, 1996
Attendance: 76,347
MVP: Larry Brown, CB, Dallas
XXXI Green Bay 35, New England 21
Louisiana Superdome
New Orleans, Louisiana
January 26, 1997
Attendance: 72,301
MVP: Desmond Howard, KR-PR, Green Bay
XXXII Denver 31, Green Bay 24
Qualcomm Stadium
San Diego, California
January 25, 1998
Attendance: 68,912
MVP: Terrell Davis, RB, Denver
XXXIII Denver 34, Atlanta 19
Pro Player Stadium
Miami, Florida
January 31, 1999
Attendance: 74,803
MVP: John Elway, QB, Denver
XXXIV St. Louis 23, Tennessee 16
Georgia Dome
Atlanta, Georgia
January 30, 2000
Attendance: 72,625
MVP: Kurt Warner, QB, St. Louis
XXXV Baltimore 34, N.Y. Giants 7
Raymond James Stadium
Tampa, Florida
January 28, 2001
Attendance: 71,921
MVP: Ray Lewis, LB, Baltimore
XXXVI New England 20, St. Louis 17
Louisiana Superdome
New Orleans, Louisiana
February 3, 2002
Attendance: 72,922
MVP: Tom Brady, QB, New England
XXXVII Tampa Bay 48, Oakland 21
Qualcomm Stadium
San Diego, California
January 26, 2003
Attendance: 67,603
MVP: Dexter Jackson, FS, Tampa Bay
XXXVIII New England 32, Carolina 29
Reliant Stadium
Houston, Texas
February 1, 2004
Attendance: 71,525
MVP: Tom Brady, QB, New England
XXXIX New England 24, Philadelphia 21
Alltel Stadium
Jacksonville, Florida
February 6, 2005
Attendance: 78,125
MVP: Deion Branch, WR, New England

Friday, February 03, 2006

Random Facts Friday: Jack Bauer

Here's something I'm gonna try every Friday for February: random facts about pop culture icons. We'll start with the world's greatest terrorist toppler. Here's some of my favorites from the random facts about Jack Bauer.
3. If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Myers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he’d shoot Nina twice.
15. If you are still conscious, it is because Jack Bauer doesn’t want to carry you.
19. As a child, Jack Bauer’s first words were “There’s no time!”
God Bless 24. We may even see Jack Bauer star in a 24 movie.

"Sherby doesn't think the Navy hangs people from yardarms anymore."

Thursday, February 02, 2006


As the 2005 regular season came to a close, some NFL executives began throwing around the idea of a larger playoff format that would allow two extra teams from each conference into the post-season. I'll be honest, I'm mostly against that idea. In other sports, the playoffs seem watered down when half the league moves on, even if they barely have a winning record. It really devalues the regular season, where most NFL games still have so much riding on them. But there's one argument that really appeals to me:

Six playoff games on Wild Card Weekend

Yeah, starting around noon on Saturday until pretty much midnight and the same thing the next day. Three games each day. As much as I feel that this format would diminish the regular season and give too much of an advantage to the #1 seeds in each conference, I certainly couldn't argue with two straight days of twelve straight hours of football.

"Felt wrong not to swing."

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Headline: Men Say Obvious Things

Today's post is gonna be one of those "I Saw This Article Online And Wanted To Make Fun Of It" dealies: Poll Finds Men Want Jessica Alba As Girlfriend. Yes, apparently someone actually took time to determine this. Okay, I guess this wasn't a yes or no question, guys had options and this was the consensus.
The 24-year-old actress tops the list ranking female celebrities on their "long-term relationship material." Alba is followed by "Alfie" star Sienna Miller and the ubiquitous Angelina Jolie.
Yes, because when I think of Angeline Jolie (and I do), she goes hand in hand with steady relationships. How many marriages has she broken up? I can see Sienna Miller, though. I don't think she's super attractive, but she has the all-important quality that every guy needs: forgiveness. I may not give a girl flowers enough but I sure as hell wouldn't do as anything as bad as screw the nanny, so Sienna should cut me slack for everything else. Of course, I don't look like Jude Law so she might not cut me as many breaks as she did for him.

"It's a street in a strange world. Maybe it's the third world. Maybe it's his first time around."