Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ugly People Need Love, Too!

In my job last year, I dealt with a lot of couples. For the most part, I got the impression that pretty people married pretty people. Average-looking people married average-looking people and so on. It was rare to see a man or a woman go out of their league. By and large, it's not like the wide discrepency shown on TV. If someone's not attractive and fat, chances are, they end up with somoene not attractive and fat. I'm sure you've seen these couples at the grocery store or somewhere. Scary looking dude with a bad mustache and missing a tooth. The lady's got a lazy eye and her gut goes out farther than her breasts. Of course, they procreated and their kids already look like they've been beaten with the ugly truncheon.

A friend and I were discussing this phenomonon and trying to see it from that angle. Being the pretty people that we were, we had no clue what it must be like for ugly people when they get together. Do they see their partner as the hideous monstrosity they truly are? If they do, do they then make the connection that they, themselves, are as equally unattractive. Or... are they under the delusion that their partner is better looking than what everyone else sees? I'm telling you, these questions really keep me up at night.

Happy Valentine's Day!


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