Tuesday, February 28, 2006

YouTube Test

I've been enjoying this You Tube site and all the keen little videos on it. Rinnert showed me how Microsoft would botch the simplicity of the iPod. And then there's this Top Ten list done by Peter Griffen.

If you don't feel like watching the thing, or just can't due to technical problems, the entire tope ten list is here. But you should watch it. Dave doesn't seem to be happy to be sharing the stage with a fictional character.

One of the things I love about Family Guy is how it taps into my subconcious and pulls out stuff that really appeals to deep-rooted feelings that I didn't even know I had. For example:
"Shouldn't Crystal Bernard be in 'Playboy' by now... ? I mean, we did our part and sat through seven seasons of 'Wings'."
That's brilliant because I have always felt that way, I just never actually realized it until I head that. I mean, when was the last time you even thought of Crystal Bernard? Did you even know who she was until you got to the 'Wings' part? And yet, even though I haven't thought of her on a concious level in several years, I feel the same way that the Family Guy does.

"We should all buy more American-made products. Which, at last check, are down to porn and cheeseburgers."