Thursday, February 23, 2006

Return of Fan Film Friday?

It's been over a year and a half since I declared I was gonna be all about Fan Films, those products of love that fans make starring the characters they love. I had a decent run reviewing about 37 pieces, ranging from serious attempts to simulate a blockbuster to larks that were made by a group of amateurs over a weekend. Most of them came on the end of the work week and were dubbed Fan Film Friday. But, after a while, I gave the concept a rest and put FFF on the shelf for a little while. Part of it was due to my own laziness (no surprise) but another part was that the once-fertile pool of Fan Films were drying up. Now, we may have some to work with again.

Mike at Progressive Ruin has found a whole slew of Fan Films over at You Tube. This seems to be the new place for underground-type videos. Or maybe it has been for a while and I just noticed now. Although, someone did link to a video of Nick Lachey singing with Kitt so I have seen some crazy stuff there before. The point is, I'll check out what they've got and probably let you know what's worth checking out in the form of your old friend, the Fan Film Friday report.

"I'm not programmed to react to a girl's smile. You on the other hand, are programmed to react to nothing else."


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