Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sirius Problems?

I read this article that had some good news/bad news for the folks at Sirius satellite radio. Revenue (that's incoming money, right?) tripled but profit and stock prices took a dive. Things at XM haven't been exactly rosy, either. Their shares are down, too, and "a director resigned on Thursday and warned of a looming 'crisis' if XM does not rein in spending." I think the concept of satellite radio is a good one with a good consumer base. I'm wondering if these two just might implode before either of them can make some regular coin doing that. We'll see if the pending Playboy Radio channel brings in another surge... of listeners. I'm skeptical a magazine famous for naked women could work on radio but it has to be better than Maxim's crappy station.

"Talk hard, I like that. It's like a dirty thought in a nice clean mind."


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