Saturday, March 25, 2006

Guests of Springfield

I think I've taken pot shots at the concept of lists before. But that doesn't stop me from posting one or two that grab my attention. Here's another one: the 20 best guest voices on The Simpsons. I've only glanced at it but there's one GLARING omission: Dave Thomas as Rex Banner in Homer vs. The 18th Ammendment. Talk about a classic character. Anyway, here's the list as is:
20. U2 – "Trash of the Titans"
19. Spinal Tap – "The Otto Show"

18. James Taylor - "Deep Space Homer"

17. Johnny Cash - "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer"

16. Ann Bancroft - "Fear of Flying"

15. Jackie Mason - "Like Father, Like Clown"

14. Stephen Hawking - "They Saved Lisa's Brain"

13. Ron Howard - "When You Dish Upon a Star"

12. Mark Hamill – "Mayored to the Mob"

11. Leonard Nimoy - "Marge Vs. The Monorail"

10. Tito Puente - "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (parts one and two)"

9. John Waters - "Homer's Phobia"

8. Donald Sutherland - "Lisa the Iconoclast"

7. Winona Ryder - "Lisa's Rival"

6. The Ramones - "Rosebud"

5. Darryl Strawberry - "Homer at the Bat"

4. Dustin Hoffman - "Lisa's Substitute"

3. Jon Lovitz - "A Streetcar Named Marge"

2. Glenn Close - "Mother Simpson

1. Albert Brooks - "You Only Move Twice"

What do you think? They leave anyone else out?

"I have a first place ribbon in doing nothing. It's the same ribbon as last place. It's purple."


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