Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Belated Birthday

I try to post a picture of my friends on their birthday, particularly if it's emberrassing. Oftentimes, I miss out because either I forgot their birthday, didn't know it, or didn't have the materials to properly emberrass them. In the case of Eric, who got older last month, the last one is the case. But, while I'm home visitting my folks, I was able to find these beauties. The Kareoke King, himself, crooning to the ladies that they lost that loving feeling After Prom back in '93. And below, he commands you to fear his mullet!

Poor Curly looks petrified. Of course, I probably had the same expression on my face as I was taking the picture. I'm sure this will inspire him and other high school friends to come forward with more emberrassing material. It's like some strange nostalgia war. But if you liked today's efforts, you definitely have to come back tomorrow. Heh, heh, heh.

"You're telling me you were so ingrained with white trash DNA, your facial hair actually grows in on its own all white trashy like that?"


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