Saturday, November 12, 2005

Picture Pages

First thing, a couple of photographs that don't mean much unless you know me or my friends. First, here's Rinnert's Halloween party pics, most them I took. Most of them blurry and with dark spots covering people. Also, my most popular Flickr pic finally hit 300 views. Kind of sad, I only have one other one with 200 views. I'm not exactly Mr. Popular on there.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and some new ones from this week should fill that quota. First, a bunch from the upcoming Superman movie were released, spotlighting Brian Singer's vision of the Man of Steel. Apparently, there will be a trailer before the latest Harry Potter flick. That would be great as Superman Returns is one of the few movies I'm looking forward to.

When it comes to Spider-Man 3, a cat was let out of the bag this week: Thomas Hayden Church will be the Sandman. Out of all the potential Spidey villains, I found this to be odd. I'm also preplexed because it doesn't sound like he will be the only adversary. Tophie Grace will supposedly be Venom, as well. As for the Harry Osborn following in his father's footsteps subplot, no idea where that goes from here. Kinda worried that the movie might get bogged down with too many characters like the Batman franchise did, but I have faith in Sam Raimi.

Speaking of movies, I brought up my unimpressed view of the Transformers movie last week and more news came out this week to support my stance. I will never understand why studios continue to muck with this concept. Giant robots that can also be cars and airplanes. They got it right the first time. Stop messing with it just to mess with it!

"With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, he pulls the spitting high tension wires down."


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