Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Anymore Blood In This Nostalgic Turnip?

So, I've been watching I Love The 80s 3D lately. Piece of advice, don't watch them all in a row. It's like taking a whole bottle of those cyanide-filled Tylenol capsules. A little too much Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black in one sitting. All that Mo Rocca doesn't help, either. Definitely needed in small doses.

On the one hand, there's a few cultural milestones that I'm surprised they didn't get into the first two installments of this franchise. The Exxon Valdez, Rambo, You Can't Do That On Television, Dr. Ruth, Voltron, Police Academy. You see a list like that, you think there's a lot of unexplored territory in this decade.

But there are a few things that they're bringing up that weren't exactly a force in that time period. My Bodyguard? It's interesting to see a young Adam Baldwin, but there's nothing else in 1980 that was bigger than this? DC Cab? Well, I already pointed out this must be a sign that the bottom of the barrel is probably being scraped.

Also, I find it interesting that some of these people they get don't seem to do anything else other than these shows. I mentioned the obvious ones earlier, but Molly Culver? They keep asking her back bu has she done anything else besides VIP?

There's been two looks at the 90s. Is a third next? Only one look at the 70s, so there should be some fertile land there. And will they look at this decade before its even over? I'm sure the fourth version of I Love the 80s is in the works. If you can't wait that long, pick up the I Love the 80s board game

"And the Christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom. Well, tonight, thank God it's them, instead of you."


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