Saturday, May 06, 2006

Two Year Anniversary Quote Standings

I just celebrated the blog's two year birthday and we're in the middle of the third annual quote contest? I do not understand math.

Anyway, I got a little loose this past month with the "quote" contest. I was doling out points for other forms of feedback about things like the NFL Draft and this here blog. That was kind of fun so I may be doing more things like that where you'll get a point for more than just knowing lines from TV shows or whatnot. Don't be surprised to see more of that because it's fun, it mixes things up, and sometimes easier than coming up with a quote.

The big winner this past month, other than the frontrunner Eric who just keeps putting distance between himself and everyone else, was Tom the Dog. Also, congrats to Bill who got his first ever quote. Welcome aboard, Beerman,
Quote Standings
Eric 32
Tom the Dog 13
dupree 10
Doodyhead 9
The Goat 9
Zman 7
Jeff 5
Logan 5
Greg Burgas 5
Kerry 4
Jeremy 3
Amy 3
Zandra 3
Rinnert 3
Natalie 2
Joel 2
Herb 2
Nagel 2
MOe 1
Bill D 1
And here's the standard explanation of the contest for those who just got here and have no idea what is going on: At the end of every blog entry, I leave you with a quote. Be the first one to make a comment stating where the quote from and you get a point. Anyone can guess. Even if new entries are put up, all previous unclaimed quotes from 2006 are still fair game. Whoever has the most points at the end of the year is the winner.

I'm gonna put a link on your name, unless you tell me otherwise. For those of you who are not linked right now, I don't know where to send people.

"Permission to ask the witness a question.: You are a bitch. No further questions."


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