Thursday, May 04, 2006

Old Kate On The Big Screen

Despite the full-blown publicity machine that is Tom Cruise, there are other movies in the theater this weekend other than Mission Impossible 3. The other new one is called An American Haunting. I brought this up back when I was talking about Bell Witch movies. Maybe you don't need to watch this, though, as reviews are hauntingly bad. One even goes as far as to see the "based on a true story" line is false. There is a Bell Witch legend, but how closely it resembles those stories I couldn't tell you. Postmodern Barney says: it's from the same guy who directed Dungeons and Dragons so that's not encouraging. So, maybe we should have seen it coming that this would be a stinker.

"Are kids today so lazy they can't break in a pair of pants?"


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