Saturday, April 22, 2006

Quiet Off-Season Here on the Sock Drawer

As you may have guessed from yesterday's post, it's going to be pretty football-intensive here for about the next week. Sorry to you non-pigskin fans but I think I've been pretty good in 2006. Especially compared to last year when I would throw out mock drafts every week and contstantly discuss free agent developments in the NFL, I've been really quiet. Part of it was the whole collective bargaining debate this winter that looked like it might really taint the best league in the world. It was no fun listening to all that crap so I didn't get too enthused about that kind of talk, and the league as a whole. Also, I got the impression that some people didn't want daily updates on what some schmuck with a website thinks some team you don't care about picks some player you don't know. As we get ready for this weekend's NFL Draft, here's some interesting bits I've seen as I've been scouring the net the last few days.

It looks like Bryant Gumbel and Cris Collinsworth will do the NFL Network game. Interesting choices. Obviously, Collinsworth was a big shot at Fox so that doesn't surprise me. But Gumbel? Very interesting. He hasn't been actively involved in sports for a couple decades so it'll be intriguing to see if he can still do it. In the article, they suggest Gumbel was selected to give the NFL Network some clout and name recognition with advertisers. I can see that. But if I hear one more time than an announcer is being selected to draw in viewers, I'm gonna slap them. I have never in my life ever talked to someone who decided to watch a game or not watch it based on an announcer.

As I've been doing lots of prep-work for this weekend, I found something called the draft rating index. It basically grades how well your team does in the lottery. And the Bengals are at the top?! Wow, how times have changed.

And don't forget to take part in Mark's draft contest. All you do is say who you think your favorite team will take and you win... um, I don't think there's any prizes except for bragging rights. But I need anything I can get so that will work for me.

"Well, I have a microphone, and you don't, so you will listen to every damn word I have to say!"


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