Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Just To Confirm That, Yes, I Am A Total Nerd

I admit that I've been enjoying the latest installment of Dr. Who, a show that I picked up and enjoyed as a wee lad. I spent today poking around the internet, trying to remember all the different aspects of the Doctor's history. Yes, I'm a big nerd, but not big enough to remember how many times he faced off against the Master and what was inside the Dalek's outer casing. While cruising around the Wikipedioa entry, I came upon something I did not know. No, not something like how many times Time Lords can regenerate or why Tom Baker refused to participate in the Five Doctors reunion show. Something that someone might actually find interesting: Douglas Adams worked on Doctor Who. Am I the only one who know that or the only one who cares?

"Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!"


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