Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Sock Drawer Enters It's Terrible Twos!

As Tom the Dog correctly guessed yesterday, today is the two year birthday of this here site. For over 700 straight days, I've been putting original content up here for any and all to consume. Quality had to be sacrificed to keep such a streak going but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to take.

Considering how things have gone on this site lately, it's only appropriate that between working, dating, and the radio show I don't have time to appropriately celebrate such a milestone. Well, in my mind it is a big deal. But I probably should have backed that up with some highlights of the past year or an updated mission statement or just something that showed some kind of effort of planning. I'm hoping that I can keep this streak alive and well and try to actually make some of these posts worth posting every day.

And to shamelessly feel good about myself, anyone who puts an effort into congratulating me in the comments section gets a point for the quote contest. Yep, I'm a shill.


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