Thursday, May 11, 2006

Finish The Fight

So there's this Halo 3 preview that's hit the web last month. Actually, it may have been longer than that. I started to write about this a while ago and haven't been able to muster the interest to finish it. And that's kind of the point. For a game franchise that I was so high on, I really have cooled my jets. I was stoked for Halo 2 and snatched up a copy on the first day. So what happened between then and now that keeps the latest brilliance from Bungie off my radar screen?

First, I'll try to push the blame onto someone else. I guess the game itself underwent some changes I wasn't exactly thrilled with. A couple of weapons like the pistol or standard rifle were overhauled or replaced with stuff that was a lot less to my liking. Minor tweaks that bugged me just enough to have a hard time getting past it.

Another reason might be that I'm just not that good at it. Therefore, I'm not as gun-ho to play it for fun cause every time I pick up my sticks I get my ass handed to me. I didn't put the time into perfecting my skills so I was way behind the curve when I was taking on other humans. Especially on Xbox Live, but I'll get to that in a bit.


Originally uploaded by Woodmania.

And I had a lot of fun with fellow Halo Heads. That was probably the best part of the game, pairing up with friends and shooting the hell out of each other. I can't tell you how many hours I spent in the Peel's living room shooting them and their guests. Good times. Normally, the level of competition was pretty even (except for the Goat, of course) so that led to a lot of fun. Heck, we even connected four X-Boxen and had 14-man Halo at Eric's once. Had an absolute blast. But it's hard for me to get together with these friends as much as I used to. Besides, most of them don't have to. They can just meet up on that newfangled X-Box Live. Of course, once you get there, you're up against foul-mouthed teenagers who can kill me without any effort because they have nothing to do but be online all day perfecting their killing methods.

Of course, the biggest reason I'm not stoked about Halo 3? Only available on Xbox 360. Yeah, I won't be chomping at the bit to plunk down a few hundred dollars to get the platform before I can even think about getting the game.

So, is it just me? Or are others also having a hard time getting up for the continuing adventures of Master Chie?

"Well it's out goal here to provide excellent customer service, and I hope that I have done that today. Uh, if you have any further questions about this radio transmission, you can just um, you know call back, say 'Dude, I've got some questions, what's goin' on?' Over and out."


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