Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Before I begin, do not be diswayed that by taking part in today's challenge due to the bad movie based on a good graphic novel. The basic concept of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is taking fictional characters from separate classic novels published around the same time and combining them into one team. And in the story, it was revealed that there were multiple variations of the League in different periods of history. Recently, another website did the same with modern novels. Maybe I'm just a big crossover nut but I always wondered how well certain characters would translate into different books and other worlds. A few years ago, Wizard Magazine created a team from American movies. I thought it was a neat idea but I didn't think they thought out the team (Indiana Jones, Jack Ryan, Hannibal Lecter, Sarah Connor, John Rambo, and John Shaft) or their mission (to take down a rogue James Bond) very well. Since I didn't have a blog back then, I presented the idea to a message board to try and get feedback, see if they could come up with a cooler team. Of course, some dipstick tries to say that the fact that Americans turn to movies as their cultural contribution to the world. What a fun-killer.

But others did throw out some ideas for a team and even a challenge for them. At the time, I loved the idea of Freddie Krueger as their bad guy. Another threat could be certain creatures you don't feed after midnight, can't get wet, and can't be put in the sun. Or a shark that requires a bigger boat. After that, I liked this team and would probably keep some of them if I threw together a squad now. Actually, let's do that now. Here's my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

John McClane: Obviously, the hero of the Nakatomi Plaza has skills. But the reason I want him on this team is because I'm the one putting it together. So it's a no-brainer to add in the best action hero of all time. His ability to adapt to a situation where the odds are against him make him an excellent addition to the group. But his one-liners should also make him the one to watch when the fit hits the shan.

Sarah Connor: If you're looking for someone to take on an impending apocolypse, you look for Sarah Connor. She can handle any kind of armament and is built to take on Terminators. The government can offer to keep her out of the insane asylum and protect her son, John. Of course, this would have to take place after T2, but before T3 since they mentioned she died there. Or did she? Most of Alan Moore's original Extraordinary Gentlemen had either faked their own demise or had escaped their supposed deaths in their original tales. So, maybe Sarah Connor is still alive and staying out of Skynet's vision. I will admit, I swiped this choice from Wizard's list.

Alex Rogan: The LXG will require more than just bruisers to accomplish their goal, whatever it might be. The Last Starfighter could be the League's pilot. He took videogame violence to the stars and became a gunner for an alien defense force. Hands on experience with alien technology is definately a bonus on this team. Of course, it would be even more of a bonus if the threat were alien. Maybe I should have come up with an antagonist before assembling a team. Matt Trakker wouldn't have been this sloppy. Anyway, Alex has probably gone into the Air Force or something and been a big part of Area 51 or some other reverse engineering department of the government.

Johnny 5: The star of Short Circuit would add a lot of firepower and personality, even though he's a robot. He has encyclopedic knowledge (if he reads an encyclopedia beforehand) and has a lot to offer. I have no idea why he would take part other than the promise of "more input." Maybe they threaten to remove his covetted American citizenship which he proudly earned in the instant classic known as Short Circuit 2.

Harry Potter: He's just about the most powerful member of the team, but he is just a kid. It could make for some interesting interaction between him and the more grizzled veterans on the squad. Also, he might form bonds with other members of the team that were "child stars" like Rogan and the liason-to-be-named-later. I have no idea how Potter would be the one to represent the magical community and what threat could be big enough to require a wizard. Also, everyone else is American so no clue how they get him off of British soil. You would think I just threw this list together or something.

John Blutarsky: And who would assemble such a group but Bluto himself. Okay, before you laugh, remember the end of Animal House did say he went on to become a U.S. Senator. So, this is the guy who gathers this team in the interest of national security. Or, he's still a drunk and has a sick sense of humor. But he is a Senator so he wouldn't have a lot of team to deal hands-on with his team. So, who would he choose to handle the operations?

Ferris Bueller: Long before the internet was a household thing, he used computers to bypass the system. This was a resourceful boy who, more than likely, became even more so as he grew older. This would make him the perfect point man as leader and government liason. Armed with a casio and an Apple II, he was able to pull off the greatest "hookie day" ever. With a team working for him that could break the laws of physics, imagine what he could accomplish.

What do you think of my team? I took some of my ideas, mixed them with other suggestions, and here you go. Got any better cadidates? What cinematic bad guy would be bad enough to require such an assemblage against them?

"You have me at a loss. You know my name but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne?"


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