Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dating Week: Nerd Girl

Similar to yesterday's post about a female sports fan, I get people who ask me if I want a woman who reads comics or partakes in one of my other nerdly hobbies. The answer is definitely not. Granted, it's not a dealbreaker but I would actually prefer her not to be invested in the world of comics and/or sci-fi. Sure, the idea of us discussing the latest Battlestar Galactica issue or the ramifications of Inifite Crisis sounds like a good thing. But there is the potential for things to go wrong. What if I don't like her favorite character from LOST? I could easily get sick of hearing about how misunderstood he is. What if she enjoyed the artistic stylings of Rob Liefeld? I would lose so much respect for her. What is she was into something like Magic: The Gathering or some other activity that even I thought was too geeky?

I'm not going to ask her to jump into the deep end that is the Poindexter Pool. I won't expect her to do a strip-tease to the Mighty Mouse theme or dress up as Slave Leia. But all I'm asking is that she not give me too much flack or be too emberrassed by my geek-ite endeavors. Just give me some space on new comics day and don't talk during Galactica, baby, and we'll get along just fine.

"You think I care what store in that shitpit dirt mall has the latest Godzilla bootlegs ? Do you call eating pizza in the same dive pizzeria every night eating out ? Do I give a shit that two comic labels are crossing over characters, selling two editions of the book in varied-ink chromium covers ? I'm a girl, damn it ! I wanna do girly things!"


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