Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Technological advancements have occurred since I was last in the dating world over two years ago. Now cell phones and other devices play a big role in communication between a man and a woman who are courting. It's a nice convenience because it makes it easier to call ahead if you're running late or find each other in a crowded area. But I noticed that some of the women like to use the phone for another form of communication: text messaging.

I'm not a big texter myself. It's a difficult process that would take much less time to convey a message if you actually say it to someone. One night, I'm going out with a group of friends when I get a text message from a girl I had been chatting with. She would send me a message, I would send one back, and she sent another one. Mind you, I'm trying to get ready to go out so this was dragging me down. So, I just decided to call her. She didn't answer. I got her voice mail. I normally don't get suspicious or paranoid if I get someone's voicemail. But, in this case, I know she's there. By the phone. Because she just texted me! I guess she wanted to ask me a couple questions without, you know, having an actualy conversation with me.

Obviously, it didn't work out between us. Am I just a crazy old man who isn't with the times or does anyone else feel that texting is kind of awkward? Tomorrow, I tackle the female sports fan. Not literally, unfortunately.

"Man I been tryin' to call you 'bout three days. Done called your cell phone, your pager, your voice mail over your mama's house. Your Uncle Darell and I paged Kyjuan like three times."


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