Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Lost Theories

As near as I can tell, no new LOST episodes until next year. That's fine with me. It's nice to take some time and look at what clues we already have and throw together some new theories and throw out old ones. I hope they do a better job this year deciding when to air their new episodes and when to go on hiatus. And when the show takes a break, that means it's time to start gathering together some theories. First, if you need a recap, or are just clueless, here's LOST for the Lost, courtesy of All Things Christie.

Okay, some interesting thoughts regarding the mystery island. One pushes the idea of a collective conciousness pushing all the buttons. (You probably already saw this on Amy's site.) Or maybe it's just a big coincindence. I'm actually starting to lean towards the coincidence one. Well, not all coincidence. Just that there's probably no puppeteers left and these survivors are in the remnants of these wacky experiments. Of course, my theories change with just about every episode so maybe I shouldn't bother committing this idea to cyberspace. I don't know, what do you think is going on there?

And here's something funny for fans of the show: LOST rhapsody. Heh, flash is funny.

"People love this suit. Just like they love their stupid American flag."


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