Friday, June 23, 2006

Yeah, They Never Show That Part On TV

10:30 Eastern Time, be at your Television set. Or just TiVo it, I don't care. Just watch the bestest show when new episodes are shown for the first time in, like, a decade. I've prepared by pouring over the Season 1 DVD with all it's commentary and extras. The guys who voice the characters even dress up as their counterparts for a "Behind the Scenes"-type mockumentary. Too bad Patrick Warburton didn't also take part in the fun and dress up as Brock. Couldn't have been any harder than being the Tick. Although, what would be harder to wear: Brock's mullet or the Tick's antennae?

The guys who put together the show have some interesting things to say while recording the commentary. Half the time, they're just ripping on the animation that came back from whatever overseas country did the artwork. I'm also surprised how little they seem to put into the actual writing of the show. The mythos or continuity seems to be an afterthought compared to the music or other aspects of the show. I wonder if that will change now that they seem like they might spend some more time on The Guild of Calamitous Intent and other aspects of the show they touched on in the first batch of episodes.

As we get into the deadest time of year for my entertainment value, it'll be nice to have the Venture Brothers to look forward to for the next few months of Sundays.

"You think you're hot shit in a champagne glass, but you're really cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup!"


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