Thursday, June 22, 2006

Why Didn't Someone Tell Me He Was Back?!

Friend of the Sock Drawer, Lefty Brown, went missing several months ago. His blog inexplicably went blank. I thought he was lost to the internet world. I think others were concerned, as well. If I remember, the cyber-disappearance was even noticed at Progressive Ruin. This saddened me, but somehow I managed to move on. How surprised and stoked I was yesterday when I noticed a comment by one Mr. Brown with a link to his new site. Dyno-Mite! Turns out he just moved to another site. Glad to see you're still on this wacky internet. Looks like I have some back-reading to do.

Seems like there's a lot of people moving or merging or whatever. The Great Curve is now Blog@Newsarama. The folks from Comics Should Be Good are over at Comic Book Resources now. Most of the "Bloggers I Know" from the left side of the page are now contributing at A Bunch of Us instead of their individual sites now. Looks my links are gonna need some updating or cleaning up.

So, if you see that any of my links along the side are out of date or just needs to be fixed, let me know. If you link to my site, and I haven't returned the favor, let me know. If there's someone I should link to, let me know. I got some work to do to tidy up my little Sock Drawer.

"Why is it every time I need to get somewhere, we get waylaid by jackassery?"


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