Monday, June 05, 2006

Six Six Six

So today's the big day: 6/6/6. The sixth of June on the sixth year of two thousand. To celebrate, Hollywood is releasing another Omen movie. I don't remember too much about the first one. Seemed kinda boring to me. It was scary enough to keep parisioners away from the church in which it was filmed.

Although, apparently, the 666 doesn't mean what we think it does. I read the article, well tried to. Couldn't get through it. Way boring. Never got to the point. So, I don't know why it doesn't mean what we think.

It won't stop folks from having a big party in Hell, Michigan today. Also, doctors are inducing less births than normal. But, if you had a baby today, here's a checklist to see if your child is the Anti-Christ. Wait a minute, I think that's one of them jokey-sites. Still, good advice for those spitting out a kid today.


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