Sunday, May 28, 2006

Seriously, What Is Up With This?

If you didn't want spoilers to the season finale to LOST... too late now. That remnant of a giant four-toed statue is probably still the biggest "what the...?!" moment from Season 2. Did they crash on some island controlled by Muppets? Sure, that's a stupid question, but at least I'm asking questions this summer. The Season 1 finale left me with a ho-hum response that took a good number of episodes this year for me to overcome. Not so this year. On top of that, ABC is supplying some internet offerings to peak our interest during the show's summer hiatus. And the world wide web being what it is, there's plenty of eggheads to break down what those clues mean. Here's some of those sites that Zandra pointed me towards:

The Lost Experience
The Lost Experience Clues
Inside the Experience

That should provide some bountiful info until Season 3 starts in the fall. Here's a list of cockamine theories and some enjoyable LOST metacommentary from Brill Building. And check out this character examination that was pointed out to me in Tog the Dog's list of his best shows of the 05-06 season.

Any other suggestions to keep my LOST fires lit during the deserted isle that is the summer television viewing cycle?

"Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly, pal!"


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