Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Amazement Park Expansion?

Some interesting developments in the world of Ohio's amusement parks. Cedar Point's owners bought King's Island. For those who don't know, King's Island is an amusement park outside of Cincinnati. You may have seen KI in episodes of The Brady Bunch, the Partridge Family, and Evel Knievel jumped over 14 buses in the parking lot. Yeah, that King's Island. Paramount's owned it for the past decade or so and obviously that hasn't really worked for them. No matter what Cedar Fair decides to do, there will be no changes at the park this season. So it's too early to tell what kind of affect this will have on the pride of Mason, Ohio. I wonder if this means King's Island will get a new spark of life, or get shut down to make it easier to lure folks up to Cedar Point.

"Of course martial arts training is relevant. Oh excuse me, I know about a billion Asians that would beg to differ."


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