Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Looks Like One of My LOST Theories Was Right

I'll be talking about the season finales for LOST and 24 so there's SPOILERS here. So you may want to skip today's blog if those episodes are still on your TiVo or whatnot.

Okay, back to the title... I'd been saying this for a while now, but my guess was that failure to input the numbers cause Oceanic Flight 815 to crash. As things stand right now, Desmond's belief is that when the numbers weren't typed in on September 22, 2004, it caused the plane to come crashing down. When he said that, I raised my hands and cheered myself: "I finally got one right." After all, I bombed pretty badly on my belief of two different tribes of "Others" and other foolish theories. It's nice to get one right every once in a while. Of course, Season 3 could open up with a complete undoing of that theory so maybe I shouldn't get too uppity. Or maybe I should toot my own horn for the next few months just for that reason.

And 24 wrapped up very well. I kinda figured that the dangling China plot would be touched on by the end. Sure made a hellova cliffhanger. Poor Jack, just can't have a happy ending to one of these days, can he?

By the way, both were helped by being double sized finales. Another thing that comics don't do too much of anymore. Maybe thats another reason I am losing my comics buzz. Looking forward to another season of non-stop 24 and less-stopping LOST.

Anyone want to talk about either of these finales?

""Since 'I'll be back' worked in one movie, the filmmakers had to bring it back, like, 37 more times."


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