Thursday, December 29, 2005

Lightning Round The Second

This is it! Your chance to move up the 2005 quote standings, keep your rivals at arm's length, or improve your station. As promised, here is the Sock Drawer's suped-up lightning round for the quote contest. Remember, most of you will not get full credit for a quote. I changed up the grading curve from the last time. Those who have 45 or more points will need to guess four right to gain a point. Those who have 30 or more points will need to guess three right to gain a point. Those who have 15 or more points will need to guess two right to gain a point. Those who have under 15 points will gain a point for every correct guess. To someone who is not currently on the standings board, you will get two points for your first correct guess. Then just one after that.

Sometimes, I would leave clues in the blog entry, so I've linked back to the day the quote debuted, just like the first lightning round.

"Objection. Conjecture. Conjection." August 03, 2004

"But what if when I'm putting on the nose, the snowman comes to life and tries to kill me?!"
"When has that ever happened except that one time?" August 13, 2004

"I make stabby." August 23, 2004

"But see! That's what I'm talking about! Now he'll send **** after the rest of us and he'll go totally sickhouse on our asses! I *like* my ass gentlemen." August 26, 2004

"Holy dammit Christmas!" September 1, 2004

"Now that we've exchanged pleasantries and hot panda milk, let's talk business." September 2, 2004

"I have only three active brain cells, and even I knew that." September 4, 2004

"Mandalay! I've come aflame again!" September 9, 2004

"You wanna know why Joey Ramone's my hero? Cause people like you never managed to grind him down. They never stole his spirit. He never gave in. Never gave up and never sold out right til his last breath. And he's not dead. Guys like that... they live forever." September 11, 2004

"We here at the Disney apologize to Ray Lewis. We... believe Trent Dilfer Sucks. To make up with Ray, Disney has created a cartoon to show we our sorry." (an extra point if you name the title of the cartoon.) September 12, 2004

"Woodgod: Half man, half goat. All ass-kicker." September 18, 2004

"Your scientists have yet to discover how neural networks create self-consciousness, let alone how the human brain processes two-dimensional retinal images into the three-dimensional phenomenon known as perception. Yet you somehow brazenly declare seeing is believing?" September 22, 2004

"Which of your obsessive-compulsive fixations is behind today's summons?" September 23, 2004

"Friends are just enemies who don't have the guts to kill you." September 24, 2004

"This game is stupid! You spend an hour hanging wind chimes and then you fight? What kind of game is that?" September 26, 2004

"You see, the thing about heaven is that heaven is for people who like the sort of things that go on in heaven. Like, well, singing, talking to God, watering pot plants." September 30, 2004

"I've been calling you. Why haven't you been answering my calls?"
"You're dead."
"Oh yeah... that." October 4, 2004

"Planting a timebomb in a local library is a felony." October 15, 2004

"Uh, Mr. President... You're on the floor."
"No shit?" October 16, 2004

"Good Lord! I think you've stumbled on the recipe for 'suck.'" October 18, 2004

"Snow is beautiful, don't you think? Clean, uncompromising--like the swift hand of vengeance." October 20, 2004Link

"If you cannot convince them, confuse them." October 21, 2004

"Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?" October 22, 2004

"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." October 23, 2004

"Hulk want Slurpee!" October 29, 2004

"This is stupid. I wish we weren't penguins and that our show wasn't cancelled." October 30, 2004

"Ah. You have a burpy tummy." November 2, 2004

"Organic web-shooters! Now there's something you'll never see in a movie!" November 4, 2004

"Some monkey in the Pentagon is gonna cook our goose. His finger's on the button all he needs is the cue." November 20, 2004

"Look at what I took credit for finding." November 23, 2004

"Because of what happened before the commercial, I would like to apologize to all blind people and children." November 24, 2004

"I'm you. You're me. And this is a gun." November 26, 2004

These are the leftover quotes from September, October, and November of last year.


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