Monday, January 16, 2006

Fun Fictional Holidays

Sometimes, I just don't feel like there's enough special days out there. So, I make some up. Or just declare an event a holiday. The other day, I brought up 24mas. It's the two day period where Fox unveils the first 1/6th of the brand new season of 24. But instead of exchanging gifts, you gather around the TV and watch Jack Bauer systematically take down terrorists.

Last week was the third birthday of Trogdor and was celebrated thoughout the net as Trogday. It's a cool music video that shows lots of cool pictures and other artwork inspired by the dragon-man with the big beefy arm. It did not include this pumpkin which I wish I could take credit for. But all I did was show the person who carved it where to get a stencil for the design.

And last week was also, apparently, National De-Lurking Week. I did not realize that but maybe that explains the flux of new people that have commented or taken guesses at the quote contest. Welcome to all of you and hopefully I can get this blog up to something worthy to lurk around.

"That's an interesting point. Come on, let's get into character."


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